Gunsmithing Services

Clay Shooters Supply is proud to offer gunsmithing services with our new in house gunsmith.  Below is a summary of some of the most common services offered, but feel free to give us a call for a more extensive list of what we offer, and to get a more detailed quote.

If you ship your firearm directly to us, you will need to proivde a copy of your Drivers License.  The firearm will then be shipped directly back to you, unless your state requires it to be delivered to an FFL. 

Return shipping rate will be actual cost of shipping with insurance for full value of firearm.

Labor Rate

Hourly rate: $115      

Machine rate: $125

Min Charge: $60

Quote/Estimate: $100 (fee waived is work is performed)


General Work

Strip and Clean Handgun: $85

Strip and Clean Rifle: $100

Strip and Clean Shotgun: $150

Strip and Clean Premium Shotgun: $250

Excessive fouling: Add $40

Removal of heavy Rust: Hourly Rate (does not include refinishing)

Test fire: $50 (Does not include target, ammo, or range fees)


Shotgun Work

Auto Safety to Manual: $95

Polish Chamber: $75 (per barrel)

Install Beretta extended Bolt Release: $50 (parts not included)

GRACO Adjustable Comb install: $400


Rifle Work

Scope Mount: $65

Scope Bore Sight: $30

Thread and Chamber Barrel: $200

Thread Barrel for Break: $150

Install Pre-Fit Barrel: $115


Pistol Work

Install Front and Rear Sight: $75

Install Front OR Rear Sight: $45

Dovetail Cut: Per Hour

Install Trigger: $115 (does not include parts)

Polish Feed Ramp: $85

 Fit New Magwell: $65