
In the early 1940s, a man by the name of Ellis Christian Lenz enlisted in the US Military during World War II. While he was at war, a young Captain Lenz took notice of the many problems associated with the weapons of the day “freezing” or jamming after, or more often during, continual use throughout the numerous and harsh environment battles he witnessed in World War II.

Upon his arrival home, Captain Lenz (later Dr. Lenz) began in 1945 to develop a product that would work in any and all environments as an effective cleaner, lubricant, and rust inhibitor for weapons and other types of equipment forced to function in hostile environments, under any and all circumstances.

In 1948, Dr. Lenz finally completed his formulated “Field and Range” design and discovered that what made his product so unique and effective was not just in the unusual and specialized raw components that he used, but more importantly in the process used to bring them together. It was then that Clenzoil, as it later came to be known, was ready for use.

In 2006, Clenzoil was relocated from its original facility in Canton, Ohio to a new, more modern and larger facility in Florida. With its new Corporate Offices located in Dade City, Florida and the manufacturing facility located near the International Port in Tampa, Clenzoil now has the ability to efficiently service both its Domestic and International clientele.

Today, Clenzoil enjoys a well documented and an almost legendary following among civilian, law enforcement, and our military forces as it is still considered the “best of the best” in its field and application; standing without equal since 1948.


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